PCOS & Infertility: Empowering Your Fertility Journey

🌟 Understanding PCOS: A hormonal condition affecting reproductive-age women, PCOS disrupts ovulation, leading to fertility challenges.

🌟Symptoms & Challenges: Irregular periods, excessive hair growth, and hormonal imbalances can hinder natural conception, while increased miscarriage risks add complexity.

🌟 Taking Charge: Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including balanced diet and exercise, can aid in managing PCOS and improving fertility.

🌟 Expert Guidance: Seeking support from a specialized healthcare provider at an IVF Centre in Punjab is crucial for accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plans.

🌟 Assisted Reproductive Techniques: Ovulation induction and IVF offer hope for those facing PCOS-related infertility.

🌟 Embrace Hope: With early diagnosis and personalized care, many women with PCOS achieve successful fertility outcomes.

🌟 Partner Up: Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Partner with an understanding healthcare team and stay positive.

If you are also suffering from any PCOS Symptoms, then do not delay consult the best IVF Doctor in Ludhiana at Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre.

Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre

Address – 9, Government College Rd, near Rose Garden, Civil Lines, Ludhiana, Punjab 141001

Contact No – +918847244122

Website – https://sofatinfertility.com/

Are you having difficulty getting pregnant? It’s time to visit the IVF centre

Infertility is becoming a common concern around the world. But does that mean you need to lose all your hope? Have you ever thought of visiting the leading IVF centre?

If you are struggling to conceive for the last 6 to 12 months, then it is time that you get yourself medical assistance at the earliest. There is no point if you keep delaying the situation. In your head, there must be one question, ‘What are the reasons to visit the test tube baby centre?’

The right place to get all the fertility care you deserve

One of the best  Best IVF Centre in Punjab has helped thousands of patients to keep their hope alive of becoming parents. With the IVF treatment plan, millions of healthy babies are born around the world. So, ‘Who says that you cannot become parents after getting diagnosed with infertility?’ This is the time where you need to schedule your consultation at the leading IVF centre and get yourself consulted by the board-certified IVF doctor. 

Successful and safe IVF pregnancy

The most important part is that at the Best Test Tube Baby Centre in Punjab, when your fertility treatment plan starts your pregnancy journey will go as smoothly as possible. Even though it is not a normal conception but the way of doing it is just like that, & the only difference is fertilization happens outside the body in a controlled environment. So, add this as a reason to visit the best fertility centre near you. 

What are the reasons infertility couples need to visit the IVF centre?

The first and foremost reason is that you need to schedule your initial consultation at the Best IVF Centre in Punjab because of the modern approach used by the fertility doctor. The technique is highly advanced and effective in every way possible. So, if you have been struggling to conceive for a long time, with the latest ART treatment plan your chances of conception can improve. Here are some of the best methods which are used by the fertility doctor and depending upon your condition you will be suggested the best one:

  • IUI
  • ICSI
  • Egg Freezing
  • Donor Egg or sperm

Various advancements are the reason and the added technologies which are used helps to increase the success rate. 

What are the conditions which point to undergoing fertility treatment?

You need to schedule your initial consultation at the best fertility centre for different reasons. If you are above 35 or over 40, don’t lose hope you can still conceive, it’s just you need to consult the best fertility expert. As you age the body goes through different changes which is the major reason reproductive health is affected. Here are some of the conditions that you are likely to get diagnosed with infertility and you need to get IVF:

  • Damaged or blocked fallopian tube
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Ovulation disorder
  • PCOS
  • Endometriosis
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Diminished ovarian reserve 
  • Pelvic injury
  • Problem with sperm health


If you wish to start your family, then make the most of modern infertility treatment and methods. Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre is one of the leading IVF centre in Punjab having the availability of all the latest treatments and technologies to increase your conception chances. 

Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre
Address: 9, College Road, Near Rose Garden, Ludhiana, 141001
Contact No. 8847244122
Email: info@sofatinfertility.com
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Dr. Sumita Sofat Hospital – Best IVF Centre in Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Sofat Infertility & Women Centre – A hope for hopeless couples. At this hospital, Dr.Sumita Sofat and her expert team provide the infertility treatment with the techniques like IVF, IUI, ICSI, laser assisted hatching, etc. Contact us to get the treatments from the best IVF Centre in Ludhiana.


Hospital Name: Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre
Address: Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre 10, College Road Near Rose Garden Ludhiana, Punjab 141001
Phone: 88472 44122
Website: https://sofatinfertility.com/

IVF Infertility treatment-: Explain the process of IVF procedure?

IVF is explained as In-Vitro Fertilization which is basically an infertility treatment. Many people take this treatment in their life because they are unable to conceive a baby naturally. This condition is known as infertility, which can cause due to-:

Explain the process of IVF procedure
• Hormonal changes
• Certain health conditions
• Blocked fallopian tubes
• Poor sperm count
• Genetic factors.
In order to go through this treatment, you need to visit our infertility hospital which is declared as the best IVF centre in Punjab. In this treatment, your specialist first examines you and your partner and only then he will start with the procedure. IVF procedure has 5 steps include-:
Stimulation of ovaries
in this step, the doctor gives you oral medications in order to stimulate your ovaries so that you can produce healthy eggs.
During the monitoring, the doctor again performs the fertility tests so that he can examine your condition, hormone levels, and egg production.
Egg and sperm retrieval
In this step of IVF your specialist, collect enough healthy eggs from your ovaries for fertilization. And then also collect sperm cells from your partner’s penis so that he can perform fertilization outside the human body.
Fertilization is done in a clinical lab outside the human body. This is performed in order to develop the embryos for conception.
Embryo transfer
When an embryo develops completely, then your specialist transfers them into your ovaries for conception or pregnancy.

What are the Different Factors which Help in Increasing the Chances of IVF Treatment?

IVF is one of the best treatment options available for a couple for are dealing with the issue of infertility. You might not know that there are some factors which increase the chances of IVF.

For your understanding we have mentioned some of them below:

What are the different factors which help in increasing the chances of IVF treatment?

• The women who consider this treatment option before the age of 35 have a high success rate. This is because at that time they are more fertile and their body responds to the treatment in the best way also.

• In case, if the issue is with male fertility than also there are treatment options available which can help in increasing the chances of IVF.

• The couple who is undergoing the treatment had a successful pregnancy before this have better chances of conceiving. The IVF cost in Ludhiana is affordable as compared to other places.

• This treatment can overcome various infertility issue which might be not possible with other options. Make sure you consult the doctor so that they can guide you about the entire process in detail.

• During the treatment, if the number of eggs is adequate and embryo quality is appropriate than also the chances of conceiving are very high.

• It also depends on your health which means you should be physically as well as mentally fit. Studies have shown that who have people who smoke or drink have fewer chances as compared to those who neither smoke or drink alcohol. So, it is better if you do not involve yourself in any type of bad lifestyle habit.